Saturday, May 21, 2011

Top Reasons Why Men Cheat

Women seem to be “better” at cheating than men. Women keep their affairs under wraps and have an agenda and plan on what they want. Sometimes they might have an affair simply to just leave their partner, especially when married. However, unless the wife finds out their husband is cheating on them; chances are that you won’t find a man leaving their wife for their mistress. But why do men decide to cheat or have other affairs?
There are quite a few reasons that could contribute to why men get involved with other women. Mainly, the sexual attraction, companionship, and curiosity pull men closer to those that they will have an affair with. TV shoes, advertisements, movies, and novels also contribute to the excitement of the lust for more women. While women tend to cheat on their boyfriends, fiancés, or husbands for reasons such as intimacy, sex, and money, men have a few different reasons.
Most of the time men wind up cheating to have more sex. They might lack enough sex in their current relationship, so they might want to experience sex with someone else or even a sexual variety through different partners. They might also want to boost their ego and feel great that they can still attract the opposite sex. The man might also have an addiction to sex.
Some men find it thrilling and exciting to chase after a forbidden affair. Another reason would be just being offered sex. This is a bit difficult to pass an offer or invitation to have sex with someone from the opposite sex and can lead to a man cheating on their partner.
Sabotage and revenge also are common reasons why men might want to find other affairs. Perhaps they are unhappy and unsatisfied with their current relationship so they wind up destroying it on purpose by doing the unforgiveable act of cheating. It can also be a reason of anger and revenge to get back at the partner for really anything. Sometimes the man will just want to escape from everything and cheating on their partner might feel like the best way to do it.
In the end, having a secret affair will involve a lot of lies, cover ups, and explaining which is not fair to your partner and even disrespectful to yourself. You might become full of guilt and take it out by lashing out at your partner. Either way, if you are involved in an affair, you need to respect yourself and above all, your partner, enough to get out and move on.

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