Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Things Men Hate About Women

Polls and studies show that although men heartily love women, there are quite a few things that they just can’t stand about them. One of them is that they can’t stand when women are pretending they are chaste. Women who always give every attempt to seem better turn off men a lot. Men also hate it when women criticize other women. Women tend to treat other women as rivals and constantly criticize other women’s taste in fashion, clothes, shoes, and other material things. That being said, men hate it when women are always jealous. Jealousy lifestyle can break the strongest relationships and cause couples not to trust each other.
When women demand hugs and caresses, this angers men as well. Men do not like a diffident woman, which is sometimes even worse than an independent woman. Constant demands for emotional support irritate men. Questions like “what are you thinking about” also tend to annoy men. Women use these questions to try to catch their man’s unawareness and learn what their real feelings are.
Women also tend to want all of the man’s spare time. Women who demand to have all of the man’s spare time interfere with his private life. Women’s emotions for things such as a broken nail or touching films also anger men a bit. Men can’t understand why get all upset over things that seem very small to them. Never ending shopping and the craving to go on a shopping spree anger men a lot. When men are dragged into a store for hours while she has to try on every bit of clothing she sees, men find this the most terrible ordeal.
A common trait that many women have which anger men is the excessive amount of talking. Women’s stories contain every bit of detail and a story can run on and run and wind up irritating a man. The final thing that can also irritate a man is the woman to pursue gender superiority over the man. Being involved in a gender war such as trying to deprive their man of sex in order to punish them can really tick the man off and even cause consequences for the woman.
The above mentioned comments and some traits that anger men are from studies and polls and can give us a better look at the bad habits that many women do that might scare off a man. Nobody is perfect though and partners should demonstrate patience and learn how to compromise.

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