Sunday, June 5, 2011

Things Not to Ask Your Boyfriend

1. How many girls he has been with before you
You really don’t want to know how many women came before you. Nothing good can come from this topic. If it is higher than you expected, then you are going to start feeling like another notch on his belt. If it is unlikely lower than you expected, you will probably wonder what’s wrong with him. It’s good to know though about sexual history in order to prevent diseases, but unless you want to feel insecure, it’s better to not know his number just as he probably doesn’t want to know yours either.
2. If he thinks about his exes when he is with you
Have you thought about an ex while you were dating him? Chances are that he also thought about an ex as well while dating you, but this isn’t a bad thing. After all, you are with him now anyway. Men compare their current girlfriend to their past ones in order to judge what is good and what is bad about the relationship, but again, knowing if your boyfriend thinks about his ex or not will just make you feel insecure.
3. How do you rank among his exes
Just like the other mentioned information, this again will make you feel insecure. The main thing to focus on is that you and him are together now. Ask him what he likes and wants in a relationship and pay close attention to his answer.
4. What does he do when you are not around
You might want to know about some things that he does when you are not around, but you shouldn’t be wondering for example like how much porn he watches or what types he looks at. These questions are counterproductive. Unless if he is a sex or porn addict or if you have a religious objection, you shouldn’t bring it up.
5. What do his parents really think of you
Parents are hard to please. They have seen many different women come and go from their son’s life. You shouldn’t discuss whether or not your parents liked an ex better than you because regardless, couples get married even if their parents approve of it or not. You are dating him, not his parents.

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