Monday, June 13, 2011

Prevent a Man from Cheating

Respect him. Listen to him and what he has to say, don’t nag him in public or when friends are around, and do not poke fun at his beliefs. Try not to hurt his morale or dignity. Make him feel proud and show respect. As long as you respect him, he will respect you and not cheat on you.
Show that you love him every day. Even if you argue, you can still express your love for him each and every day. Prepare breakfast and dinner for him, kiss him and hug him, tell him you love him, and find your own special ways to show him that you are there for him.
Make him believe in trust. Trust is the key to the entire relationship. Although it might be a not to savvy subject to talk about, let him know that if he cheats on you that the trust will be broken and impossible to bring back. You don’t need to threaten him, just make him realize that the trust exists between you and him and that cheating will ruin the entire relationship.
Do things together. I am sure you both have many fond memories of when you first started dating. Why stop now? Keep making sweet loving memories like going on a vacation together or achieve one of your shared dreams. These things will remind him about how great your relationship is and will make him very happy. It will be very hard for a man to cheat on the one who makes him happy.
Don’t accuse him of cheating(THIS IS THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT) . If you don’t have any hard evidence that he is cheating, then don’t bring it up or accuse him. Don’t argue with him because you just have a hunch or a baseless suspicion. This could annoy him to the point that he would want to make your suspicion a reality.
There are many men who are just naturally unfaithful and cheaters and if you have a partner like this, then it might be impossible or hopeless to change him. However, there are also men who will always be faithful and strive to be faithful. In this case, you don’t have anything to worry about. If he has cheated on you once, twice, or even three times, then you might want to consider moving on as you need to keep your self respect and with time, you will find someone who you deserve. 

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