Sunday, September 18, 2011

Dating Strategies and Tactics

1. You have to go after the one you want and then win them over. Be a friend - show attention, understanding, acceptance, and appreciation.
2. Satisfy emotional needs- show interest and listen to them. Spark a romantic emotion. Romance is a combination of hope with some doubt and it adds up to passion. People want what they can't have.
3. The third part of love is respect. It is earned through your actions. You must show an independent and confident personality. You can live with them or without them. You are in no hurry and aren't desperate.
4. You really have to date several people at once. It will make you look like a great catch. When you have multiple options, anyone who wants to be with you will work much harder. Instead of you doing the chasing, they will be chasing you. This takes the pressure off of yourself. You really want to date a few people anyway before jumping from one long term relationship to another.
Dating Strategies to keep in mind:
You must be happy with yourself before you will have success. Be kind to yourself and turn off the negative thoughts. You can change what you can and forget the rest. Don't worry about things you can't change. If you can't change them, all the worry in the world wont do any good.
Set some goals and write them down. You must make a plan with a clear path you want to follow.
You must set aside a night each week to get out of the house. Go where others gather. Check the paper for ideas and get out there. How many people have you met at your house? Force yourself to go out anyway. It is only one night a week, you can still sit on the couch the other six nights. You aren't

going to find new people unless you actually go out.There are single and available people all over the place. Nearly every place you go, has single people if you LOOK. Start simple don't go after the hottest person(too much pressure). Talk to the average person, get a phone number and move on. It really is a simple two step process. Meet and greet, a short conversation with eye contact and then say Great meeting you, but I have got to run; could I get your number? The Key is to RELAX. The more you do this the easier it gets.
Take the initiative and be the first to show interest in them. It shows confidence. You are only trying to get that first date. Don't start fretting about your wedding and future children just yet. Keep it simple. But you must do it yourself, no one will do it for you. Don't let an opportunity pass by, get that phone number and go from there.
Rejection is part of the dating game. Don't take it personal, not everyone is going to want to date you. They may not be dating at all right now. You never know unless you ask. Don't be afraid of looking foolish, we all look foolish all the time. Use positive reactions in the face of rejection. You aren't worried if they say no. You asked and that is the most important thing. One more no means you didn't waste your time and money on someone who isn't even interested. Plus you are just closer to finding the one who is interested. It is all practice and will make you a master at dating that much quicker.

Friday, September 9, 2011

What Really Makes You Nervous Around Women

Here are a few simple tips that will help you deal with it. Do you feel anxious whenever you talk to a woman? Symptoms like fidgeting, not being able to maintain eye contact, gulping in fear, becoming dry-mouthed, being overly nice, tense facial muscles and laughing uneasily at all her jokes are symptoms of getting too nervous.Your priority when first interacting with a woman is to make her feel relaxed around you. You’ll find this extremely difficult to do if you are nervous, so here are some insights on overcoming nervousness around women.

Maintain eye contact: If a man is unable to hold eye contact with a woman and looks away first, she won’t like it and feel uncomfortable. That is not attractive to women. You may be thinking, “Should I stare her down during interactions?” Not at all. If your eyes do meet, you should be comfortable enough to hold the eye contact. However, it shouldn’t be a stare.
Smile can do wonders: An endearing sort of smile can actually do the magic for you. From afar, your smile can communicate things like you are friendly, social, humble and interested to talk to the lady.
Clam and composed: A simple way of overcoming nervousness is to slow down your thoughts and movements, and behave in a relaxed manner. Control your anxiety and do not try to do things fast and in a haphazard way.
Check your body language: To overcome nervousness is changing the way you think about yourself and how you use your body (i.e. tone of voice, confident body language, etc).
Talk it out: Start a discussion on the subject both of you like. This is no rocket science and all it requires is an initiative from your end. This will help you to break the ice and then both of you can enjoy a casual conversation.
Make an effort to follow the dos and don’ts the next time you’re out in public with a woman, and you’ll see the difference.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Weird Things Men Like In Women

Men are crazy. And they get crazier when they see you approach him in those red pumps and skinny jeans with a baggy and casual tee in style and confidence.
Although there are a thousand things which make your irresistible, here are the top most unbelievable ones:

1. No make-up: Oops. Sorry girl. There's a great chance that your guy hasn't even noticed your smokey eyes or the new bronzer on your face. Save money and turn him on!

2. Lingerie that doesn't match : And you though you should pair your lacy, satin purple panties with a purple bra? Show him that you are unprepared and yet give in to his desires and make yourself hotter!

3. Wit : You thought it was all about physical contact? Crack a joke or flash your smile and he's sure to get wooed! Tip: It's better still if you are game even for jokes that are played on you. And why not? It just proves how self-assured you are.

4. Curvy is sexy: He doesn't like flat abs and zero sizes. Men love love-handles.

5. Intelligence, confidence, emotional maturity and sexual openness : Flaunt your real self (sans the gloss), support him when he is down, talk dirty and show your sensual attitude, and girl, you've got him!

6. Wearing a baggy tee to bed: Stay casual and he'll be more comfortable in your company. Don't intimidate him by being prim always or sounding like a know-it-all.

7. Unkempt hair: Whoa, why get prim and proper when your man likes your bed-hair or smudged kohl eyes?

8. Eye contact: Make yourself irresistible by looking at his eyes and putting across your point. Don't be shy.