Friday, June 1, 2012

7 Sex secrets women want men to know

A good talk is a great aphrodisiac
Many women find talk a great turn-on. For them, talking and feeling loved are very important. Good conversation during walks or while the couple is relaxing can be a great aphrodisiac. A man could tell his woman how much he loves her, which acts as a reassurance that he is with her mentally during those intimate moments.

Many women are anxious about their looks
For a couple that has been together for long, sometimes it is natural that women may feel that their partner may find them less alluring. Because of this some women undress only under the cover of darkness. Caring men can sense such anxieties. There is no need to lie and say she's gorgeous if she isn't, nor is there a need to say that she is not attractive anymore. One can always appreciate and praise what you do find attractive.

For a woman sex isn't separate from rest of her life
On the other hand, men tend to compartmentalise, feeling that stressful aspects of life can be parked mentally and separated from sexual activity. Women need good feelings and experiences during the day to have satisfying sex. How her lover treats her out of bed, greatly influences her response in bed. Inattentiveness, harsh language, rude tones, hurtful words, and criticism can make it difficult for a woman to get involved, feel enthusiastic and be passionate during sex.

An orgasm is not a necessity
Many men feel that a good lover is one who can bring his woman to climactic sexual culmination. It is great to have such moments, but aren't always essential. Many women feel pressure from partners and even from themselves to reach an orgasm. Sometimes instead of having orgasms, women prefer to engage in just foreplay.

Sex need not be a serious act
Playfulness is a great quality. Many men are far too serious about sex. They forget to laugh, be romantically mischievous, have fun. Playfulness and light-heartedness can make intimate moments enjoyable and relaxing. This takes performance pressure off from both partners.

Women cherish non-sexual touching and tenderness
Women love romance, cuddling, hand-holding and kissing. But many women complain that their men never do this except during foreplay. A woman should make her man realise the joy of touching. As you give him a relaxing massage and stroke his face and hair tenderly, he starts experiencing the joy of this kind of non-sexual touching. Tell your man what makes you feel loved and wanted.

Warm attention after sex is important
A woman's need for tender moments goes beyond the actual lovemaking. Some women complain that men fall asleep immediately after the act. It is true that when a man is having sex, his endorphin level is very high. Almost immediately after ejaculation, he goes through a refractory phase where he loses his erection and all his systems gear down. In females this phase happens gradually. However, if you don't like him falling asleep immediately, tell him without putting him down. Alternatively, let him sleep in your arms for a few minutes and gently wake him up afterwards.

Monday, April 16, 2012

Why Do Women Break Up With Men?

REASON #1) She found another guy.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

What men hate: 8 things that turn men off

1. Contentious women. This is a very defensive person. Who is always ready to pick a quarrel, fight or give some sassy remark. They want to proof themselves right and whole world wrong. They have a chip on their shoulder. These types of women are very difficult to be around much less live with. They can easily provoke a man to anger, to the point of aggression and violence. Men tend to create a wide birth around any such woman.

2. Mothering While men love to be taken care of they hate being mothered. It annoys them to be treated like a child. Don’t think it is your duty to get him into shape. Mothering also include smothering and doting on him – like telling him what to do, when to do it and how to do it. “Why you don’t go and get some sleep or brush your teeth?” Men like to be nurtured not mothered.

3. Prying I think that some women are better than the CIA, M15 and KGB all put together. They interrogate and investigate stealthily. Checking anything from telephone bill to receipt slips found in your pocket. They want to know who the man spoke to , why they are calling you and what your conversation was all about. While it may be necessary at some point to do these, when a man finds himself subject to any of them, it really annoys him. Men like to be trusted and not feel that their privacy is being invaded. If a man feels you are trying to catch him out he will clam up, shut down and wall you out from their inner world. The moral here is to devote your energy to building a NEST rather than a NET.

4. Possessiveness No body likes to be owned, especially men. Treating a man like he is your personal property is a sure recipe for romantic failure. They will run a mile. Trying to control who he speaks and associate with is wrong. While it is natural to feel a little pang of jealousy when he gives other people the attention you want to be only yours, overtly trying to control his interactions with others may make him feel your are paranoid. Paranoia is not very attractive, in fact it is very repulsive.

5. Clingy and neediness A clingy person is like a burden. They emotionally depend on you for everything. It is as if you have to be responsible for their very existence. Responsible for making them happy, glad, excited and pleased. They look to you to entertain them and get things moving for them. Without you life is dull and boring.
Nobody likes to be around these type of people. Sometimes they stoop to what I call emotional black mail. They threaten to harm or even kill themselves if hey don’t get what they want – You! Men see such women as people to AVOID at all cost. Such women usually get treated like floor mats. Men simply use, abuse and confuse them. Because they are so dependent on men to be happy, then the men use this as tool to manipulate them.

6. Dependence This is the corollary one of the above. In other words you weave your world around his. He becomes your existence or you live for him. You have no life of your own. This is most dangerous because you will soon find that you can’t live without him. You become attached or emotionally enmeshed. Men hate this because somehow you become his responsibility, a weight to be carried around. In fact he begins to treat you like rubbish and his respect just diminish; he doesn’t respect you anymore. 

7. Invasion of personal space He doesn’t like you invading his privacy, checking his telephone bills and looking into his mobile, eavesdropping on his telephone conversations and wanting to know all his whereabouts. This is very obnoxious to men. He feels as if he is loosing his freedom and men love freedom. He will drop you like a hot potato if he feels you are invading his space.

8. A brawling woman it is better to live in the corner of the rooftop than with a brawling woman the Good Book says. Such a woman is uncultured and uncouth. Most men love ladylikeness. They love feminine women who know how to behave and carry themselves. Most men avoid women who do not have class or culture about them.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

How to Survive a Hangover

Common People Drink Like A Fish
1)     Prepare before drinking. We all know it’s better to be proactive than reactive. If you are aware that you’re in for a heavy night of drinking, then be smart, prepare your body to help endure the beating it’s about to receive.
Ø  Coat your stomach: Eat a big starchy meal before the drinking begins. Greasy foods such as hamburgers and French fries will help to absorb the alcohol. Lots of bread is also suggested.
Ø  Drink lots of water: A 1:1 ratio is recommended. For each drink you have, drink one glass of water. This will help to reduce dehydration.
2)      Drink lots of fluids. Ok, so the damage has been done. You’ve woken up with an absolutely splitting headache, dry and sticky mouth, and the slightest bit of light seems unbearably bright. Now what? Well, your body is dehydrated, so it’s time to replenish some of what you’ve lost.
Ø  Drink lots of water 
Ø  Drink juices. Both orange and cranberry juices are a good idea, perhaps even mixed together. Vegetable juice is good as well. The key thing here is to nourish your body with plenty of vitamins.   

3)      Call into work. Sometimes it’s best to simply admit that you’ve been defeated. Of course, this may not be the best thing to tell your boss, depending on your relationship with him or her. Keep in mind, alcohol is probably still seeping out of your pores creating an unpleasant odour that will surely be identified. Hell, you might even still be drunk! Creeping into work sporting a pair of sunglasses to hide your blood-shot eyes is most likely not going to work in your favour. Don’t try and be a hero, your reputation is on the line and it’s best to simply call out sick. Simply tell your boss you have the stomach flu.
Ø  Most state laws prohibit your employer from interrogating or questioning why you are calling in.
Ø  Use your best judgment when making this decision. Be careful, if you have had prior corrective counseling for attendance, a decision like this could cost you your job. Keep this in mind before you go out drinking!
4)      Get lots of rest. The best cure for a hangover is to sleep through it. After you’ve completed steps 2, 3, and 4, prepare to recharge your batteries. Close all your blinds, turn off your cell phone, and crank up the A/C or heater depending on the day’s temperature. Crawl into bed, get under the covers, and for God’s sake, get some shuteye!
Ø  Try a damp washcloth on your head. This will help with your headache, and also act as a beauty rest eye mask.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Common Marriage Mistakes

As a typical man, you are probably making several different mistakes in your marriage that you might not even notice. Correcting these mistakes will go a long way for your wife and for your marriage and that can only mean good things for you. Here are some common mistakes men make in a marriage.

Spending money without consulting the wife. This is a huge mistake and can sometimes be as bad as cheating. You should always consult your wife before making big purchases like buying a new car.

Not understanding her feelings. Many times men will go into a fix-it mode when they see their wife is upset. Instead of talking about hard facts, women want their feelings to be understood and showing empathy is an important thing to do as a husband.

Being sexually selfish. Women are not turned on as easily as men are. It takes affection and a connection before the lights go off in order to make her feel wanted.

Not talking about your own feelings. It is a great thing to listen to your wife’s feelings and understand her, but you should also share your own. Being closed off to her when it comes to your feelings will let her feel that she is missing a real connection with her husband. When the man is withdrawn, she feels like he is leaving her.

Being too demanding. It is natural for a man to feel dominant in a relationship, but being abusive of power can also be damaging to the relationship. Making demands and trying to overpower her will just send her away. Instead, show more care and affection.